Diseases and Pests in Mangoes

What are the diseases and pests seen in mangoes? In our previous articles, we focused on avocado cultivation. We had a blog post about mango cultivation, whose popularity has increased in recent months. Now we will examine some of the diseases and pests we may encounter in mango cultivation.

Mango is a tropical tree species that has been newly grown in recent years. It is even in the trial phase in most places. Among the most important issues to be known in mango cultivation, which has become popular in our country, are the diseases and pests seen in mangoes.

What are Mango Diseases?

diseases seen in mango trees - Bifid

Mango Malformation

Fungal pathogens are among the problems seen in v e trees in mango fruits. The most important is the disease caused by Fusarium mangiferae, called Mango malformation. Fusarium mangiferae,mango( Mangifera indica, L.) is one of the factors of malformation disease that affects the growing regions and is economically important ( It is known that there are a few more Fusariums that cause this disease, it is still more research subject ). Symptoms; it causes vegetative development abnormalities in shoots that lead to shapeless buds, short knuckle breaks, stunting and narrow leaves. An active combat method has not yet been carried out (Wikipedia, 2021). Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that the anac and seedlings used are healthy. If the disease is seen, diseased plant residues should be removed from the garden and destroyed, if possible, by burning.

Mango Anthracnosis

Another common disease is Mango anthracnosis. Anthracnosis is caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Colletotrichum asianumetmen. Anthracnose appears as dark brown spots with variable size oval or irregular brown scattered across the leaf surface. Infected leaves often form the absurd hole appearance. The tip of the young branches dries from top to bottom. They form large, irregular spots on the anthracnose fruit surfaces, then cover the entire fruit. The dots form large deep cracks. It penetrates deep into the fruit and causes decay. It is very important to use clean sapling material in the fight of this disease. There is no licensed drug to be used in the struggle in our country yet.

diseases seen in mango trees - Bifid
Types of diseases seen in mango fruits - Bifid

What are mango pests?

One of the most important pests encountered in mango cultivation is Bakery lice. The nymphs of the teeth of the bakery lice are fed by emgi on the branches and leaves. Thus, the resistance and feeding of the tree whose sap is absorbed also decreases. If the necessary spraying is applied by tightening in the form of a spray, the insect population can be controlled or some traps can be used.

Another harmful harmful by making an emblem is red spiders. Feeding more on the tree on the leaves, this can be any type of mites with 4 pairs of legs. Red spiders are often not macroscopically noticeable. But they are distinguished from their nourishment, especially leaves, yellow dot dot and pale colors. As their populations increase, they can knit the environment in a networked way. Care should be taken as they have the ability to reproduce very quickly and are hardly noticed. They will increase considerably, especially in hot and dry times.


Wikipedia. (2021). ‘’ Fusarium mangiferae’’. Erişim tarihi : 07.06.2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusarium_mangiferae


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