Mango Sapling Types

Our range of 1-grade mango memories produced in our plant with quality, certified, disease-free, inert and healthy root structure under the control of our agricultural engineers and produced with high technology in the required climate conditions:

  1. Kent Mango Sapling
  2. Tommy Atkins Mango Sapling
  3. Irwin Mango Sapling
  4. Kensington Pride Mango Sapling
  5. Osteen Mango Sapling
  6. Alphonso Mango Sapling
  7. Keitt Mango Sapling


The urban mango plant is oval and large fruit.

The weight of a city mango fruit varies between 570-740 g

Fruit is lint-free, juicy and has a high flavor.

The city is a small part of the mango fruit with red on it and the rest of it is dark green. And when the fruit matures, it’s in yellow and similar colors. The shell structure is thin. That’s why shelf life is short. The core is small.

It has an evolving tree structure. She’s sensitive to contracting the disease. Harvesting is done in July-August. Urban mango fruits usually mature until september, but if left in the tree for a long time, fruit will tend to sprout.


Tommy Atkins mango sapling fruit is rectangular oval shape.

The purple can be red and may have a slightly green-yellow section on it.

The shell is thick and shelf life is a long mango type.

The fruit is hard and juicy, medium fiber.

Excessive fertilization and irrigation will weaken the flavor.

The core is small. Resistant to contracted disease.

May-july is the harvest season.


The Irwin mango sapling fruit has an oval shape, its base is round and its top is sharp, it has no beak.

Irwin mango tree chunky, heavy fruit in the form of a raft.

It can be harvested from mid-may to early july or from june to july.

It has a smooth shell structure.

When it matures, it becomes a bold, dark red color. Irwin mango has a different taste of apple-mango, and that’s a reason to be called “apple mango.” The fruit is unfiber.

When fully matured, it is harvested and consumed. If collected before maturation, it will have a commercially unwanted color.


Kensington Pride mango sapling is a large mango variety compared to other mango types.

Oval mango fruits have a yellow green peel that can or will not enhance light red shading.

Sweet yellow fruit meat is medium fiber.

The fruit weighs approximately 500 g in maturity. The tree can grow up to 12 meters.

Fruit yield varies from year to year.

Medium resistance to disease.

Early season can be harvested in september-november and late season December-February. Varies by region


The Osteen mango sapling fruit is rectangular, with a rounded, sometimes small beak-containing peak.

The smooth shell has a faded green bottom color, turning dark purple as it matures.

The fruit meat is almost lifeless and has a light but sweet taste.

The fruit core is monoembryonic.

Generally harvested from July to September.

They come around 450 g during harvest.


Alphonso mango sapling fruit is usually between 150 and 300 g.

It’s a variety harvested from mid-April to end of june.

It has a creamy, soft texture and delicate, lint-free, juicy fruit meat. 

As the fruit matures, its shell turns to gold, a red indicator on the top of the fruit.

It is one of the most preferred commercial types in the world with its high aroma, smell and vivid color.


Keitt mango sapling is a worldwide popular Florida mango variety.

The Keitt variety, some mangoes are harvest time in August-September, and in some places they can harvest by the end of October, is the mango tour at the end of the season.

The large round mango has a dark green and medium-thick shell with red redness. When it’s ripe, it’s green.

It has a sweet, sharp taste.

Fruit size is 300-500 grams.

Close to the core is dense fiber, but it has a thick, juicy fruit meat.


Mango trees are a kind of tree that doesn’t spill leaves, has a root root root system. As the natural growth of the trees reaches up to 40m, the hanging ones grow shorter.

It gives fruit within 3-4 years of planting.

The mango tree grows in deep-layer and strong soil. Drainage of such places is required as the floor water level is damaged in high places. Unwell water-permeable soil is not suitable for mango.

In countries with tropical seasons, trees produce fruit once a year in countries with subtropical seasons and in countries with subtropical seasons. Bir mango ağacı yetişkinliğe ulaşmış ve 100-150 kg meyve vermiştir.

When they’re young, mango trees are made in shades ranging from pink to amber and light green, turning dark green as they mature.

Flowers in mango trees are hermaphrodites. So both males and females have genitals.

As a tropical fruit, he’s very sensitive to the cold. In the winter, temperatures do not drop below 4-5 degrees, and in other areas, six greenhouse production can be made.

Young saplings are damaged at -1.7 to -1.1°C, while leaves and branches are damaged in adult trees at -3.9°C.

If the temperature of flowers and small fruits drops below 4.4°C for a few hours, there is a greater chance of damage.

Adult mango trees can withstand temperatures up to 45 degrees.

The mango creates large trees and, if it needs to be sewn at wide intervals, more frequent planting is done, as with many fruits today. With the eastern pruning shape, the tree is made suitable for under cover and for frequent planting.

5m x 5m, 5m x 4m , 4m x 4m, 4m x 3m, 4m x 2m planting can be done within range distances.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mango Sapling

Mango trees bear fruit 3 to 4 years after planting.

Mango seedlings grow in areas where tropical seasons are active. Antalya and its surroundings are well suited for mango production in the Mediterranean region in our country.

Mango trees are a tropical species, so they have low cold resistance.  If the temperature drops below -1 degrees in the sewn environment, it will cause the mango tree to die.

The prices of mango saplings vary depending on the mango type. You can also review our mango seedlings and get a quick quote based on your needs.

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