What is the role of bees in the development of avocado fruits?

As a BIFID plant, in this article, we will try to explain the role of bees in the attitude toward avocado fruits.

Role of bees in the development of avocado fruits - Bifid

In order to increase the fruit yield in the avocado gardens, we shared in our previous article that different varieties with a and B-type flower structures should be planted mixed. You can read our article on flower structures seen in avocado varieties here. Because in addition to the fact that some varieties can fertilize themselves in avocado, unfortunately, this was not true for all varieties.

Therefore, the garden should be established in such a way as to increase fertilization efficiency. Another way to further increase this yield is the pollinator insect population in the garden. Pollination is the basis of plant production and fruit and seed production is not possible without pollination in many plant species. Pollination (Buchmann and Nabhan, 1996), defined as the transport of flower powders from the head of the male organ to the crown of the female organ by various factors, constitutes an important stage in the lives of all flowering plants (Westwood, 1993). In nature, wind, water, humans, birds, some species of mammals and insects act as pollinators. Among these pollinators, the most effective are insects because their target is flowers directly. The most important insects in pollinator insects are bees (Yılmaz, 2016).

The importance of bees in the cultivation of avocados - Bifid

The presence of bees ensures an increase in yield in all fruit and vegetable growing areas. Scientific research has shown that even in self-fertilized plants, there is an increase in yield and quality in the presence of bees. Bees play an important role in plant production for flowering plants to produce fruits and seeds. Bees help pollinate natural plants in the absence of other pollinators or when there is too little, reducing soil erosion and also preserving endangered plant species (Sequential, R. &Cinbirtoglu, S, 2018). Thus, the biological balance in natural life is preserved.

In the established gardens, we should definitely have bees, so that the yield of avocado fruits, we should guide the increase in quality.


Buchmann, S. L., Nabhan, G. P., 1996. Forgotten Pollinators. Island pres,Washington, D.C.

R. Sıralı and Ş. Cınbırtoğlu , “Bal Arılarının Tozlaşmadaki ve Bitkisel Üretimdeki Önemi”, Arıcılık Araştırma Dergisi, c. 10, sayı. 1, ss. 28-33, June, 2018.

Westwood, M. N., 1993. Temperete – Zone Pomology, Physiology and Culture. Third Edition. Timber Press, Inc. Portland, Oregen. Page 523.

Yılmaz, K., 2016. Bal Arılarının Bitkisel Üretimdeki Önemi. Ordu’da Tarım. Yıl 20, sayı 118. Sayfa 1-2. Ordu.


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